Pickup, Delivery, and Shipping

Cottage Core Candle Co. is a home-based business located at 2712 E. Fairmount Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85016.


If you live within a
5 mile radius to our address above, I offer free delivery for orders over $25.

For those who live outside the 5 mile radius, you may make arrangements for pick-up at no additional cost or order limit.

(See m
ap below.)

I prefer to keep my sales local. Buying and selling locally provides many benefits within communities. Not only does the sales tax go towards your own community, it allows other crafters to thrive within their respective communities as well. With the inflated costs and liabilities associated with shipping, buying local is even more important and prevalent today!

However, I do provide shipping
which varies on the size and weight of order. My shipping rates coincide with USPS Priority Mail Flat Rate prices from Pirate Ship. You may visit their site here for shipping information or contact me for an estimate of your complete order.

You may also find me at various marketplaces and events around Arizona. Please feel free to visit the
Calendar to keep updated on when we will be at an event near you.

Thank you for your support!

5 Mile Radius

Free Delivery with total purchase over $25